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How Does A Methadone Clinic Work?

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5 years ago
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Pinnacle Team •
5 years ago

The opioid crisis in our nation continues to claim lives on a daily basis. And those who pass away from death due to an opioid overdose leave behind mourning loved ones who are left to wonder what, if anything, they could’ve done to help. Sadly, in many cases, loved ones have done all they can and the fact is that if only the person who is struggling with an addiction to an opioid, alcohol, or another substance can help themselves.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that between 21 and 29% of those who are prescribed opioids will misuse them, about 8 to 12% will develop an opioid use disorder (OUD), and 4 to 6% will end up using heroin. While these percentages may seem relatively low, this translates into thousands upon thousands of people becoming addicted to dangerous opioids each year.

When faced with an addiction issue, the future may seem bleak and hopeless. One seems to be living only to get their next ‘high’ so they can survive. Images of happiness, joy, and being a healthy part of society are all but gone—and for many, they have given up hope completely.

If you or someone you love is living with an addiction to an opioid, alcohol, or any other substance, there is hope and help for you—it’s just a call away. Despite the overwhelming numbers of addiction, thousands of people seek treatment for addiction every day. And thousands live in recovery celebrating life once again. You (or your loved one) can too.

Pinnacle Treatment Centers understands how difficult recovery can be and has compassionate, knowledgeable, and experienced staff who help thousands across the nation recover from addiction on a daily basis.

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) along with evidence-based behavioral treatment are the most effective ways to improve the chances of long-term recovery from opioid abuse. One of the most commonly used medications in MAT for opioid addiction is methadone.

Methadone is a long and slow-acting opioid used to treat heroin addiction or addiction to other opioids. It has been used since the 1950s to treat addictions to heroin and more recently other opioids. It is helpful for those with opioid addiction to ward off the most difficult withdrawal symptoms helping to prevent relapse.

Methadone is a prescription medication that must first be given by a doctor in either a tablet or liquid form. Most people taking methadone utilize a methadone clinic. Many clinics, such as those of Pinnacle Treatment Centers, do the initial medical assessment, administer the first dose and provide daily dosing beyond that. Many times people who either have an opioid addiction themselves or have a loved one with an addiction to opioids wonder the best way to stop using opioids and how methadone clinics work.

Understanding How Methadone Clinics Work

Methadone clinics are established solely for the purpose of dispensing medications used in medically assisted drug therapy treatments. Often what is referred to as a ‘methadone clinic’ also provides other medications such as Suboxone® and naltrexone.

Most individuals on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) need to have daily doses and are closely monitored for the first seven to 10 days. After this initial period, most are able to then visit their methadone clinic on a daily basis for at least six months to get their daily dose. After the first six months, if an individual is in compliance with the expectations of the clinic and their individual treatment plan, they may be permitted to take home supplies for a few days or in some cases weeks.

It’s vital to stay on the prescribed amount of methadone consistently and adhere to all the protocols established as this is how methadone clinics work at being successful in helping those with addiction issues work towards long-lasting recovery. Research has shown that when a person stays on MMT for one year or more there are positive lifestyle changes including a reduction in criminal behaviors and transmission of disease.

If you or someone you love is living with an addiction to an opioid, alcohol, or another substance, it’s important to know that there is help. There are people who understand and have been where you are, too. Taking the first step towards getting treatment for addiction is often the most difficult one. At Pinnacle, we vow to be there for you every step of the way—not just during your treatment but along your recovery journey. Take the first step today.

Headquartered in New Jersey, Pinnacle Treatment Centers is a recognized leader in comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment serving more than 29,000 patients daily in California, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. With more than 110 community-based locations, Pinnacle provides a full continuum of quality care for adult men and women which includes medically-monitored detoxification/withdrawal management, inpatient/residential treatment, partial hospitalization/care, sober living, intensive and general outpatient programming, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.

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Summit Medical Services
3121 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201


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