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Drug Addiction Help: Who Needs It and How to Get It

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5 years ago
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5 years ago

By Nancy L. Esposito, RN, MSN, Director of Nursing, Recovery Works Portage, a 36-bed detox unit located within University Hospitals Portage Medical Center in Ravenna, Ohio. Recovery Works Portage is owned by Pinnacle Treatment Centers.

Illicit drug use and prescription drug use have skyrocketed in the last decade. Substance abuse or drug addiction devastates not only the person using but also the loved ones and family members of that individual. Relationships are damaged and broken, bills unpaid, homes and jobs lost, health negatively impacted, and more painful occurrences happen when a person becomes dependent on drugs.

Anyone who is living with drug addiction or substance use disorder (SUD) may say to themselves, “I need help,” but do not know what to do, may fear treatment, and may be embarrassed admitting they have an issue let alone asking for help.

Family members who love someone with a SUD may too ask themselves, “How do I help them?” It can be difficult and painful to watch someone you love to live in active addiction to any substance.

For anyone who is living with an addiction or cares about someone who has an active addiction, it’s important for you to know there is help and there is hope. Pinnacle Treatment Centers knows how hard it can be to take the first step and ask for help. Our compassionate, experienced treatment teams offer hope, tools, and the support you need to recover from drug addiction. We can also help you to understand how to help a loved one with drug addiction.

How to Get Help with Drug Addiction

Addiction impacts many more than just the person using the drug. It impacts family, friends, and even co-workers. When you want to help a friend with drug addiction, it can be challenging. After all, it really comes down to that person being ready to accept that they may have a problem and know they need help with drug addiction. This can often be the biggest obstacle faced.

Getting help for a drug addiction means first realizing there may be a problem. It’s important to realize that this can be very difficult for anyone with drug addiction. Although deep down they may know they need drug and alcohol addiction help, people who are addicted have come to rely on these various substances just to get through the day. The idea of facing life—on a daily basis—without their substance of choice, can often be too much to bear.

Detox An Important First Step

Detox is a vital part of any treatment for drug addiction. The body must first rid itself of the individual’s drug or drugs of choice (or alcohol) before effective therapy can begin. The detox or detoxification process should be managed under the care of experienced and caring medical and addiction treatment professionals. This is vital in order to safely get through the often-difficult withdrawal process. For many who attempt to detox on their own, they find that this acute phase of recovery has too many uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal and they end up relapsing. In addition, quitting using alcohol or drugs suddenly and at home can be deadly.  It’s essential to find a quality treatment center with a detox program.

There are also medications that can assist with the detox process. These medications help to combat any potential complications as well as decrease withdrawal symptoms. Finding an addiction treatment center with a medically monitored detox program is crucial to getting through the first stages of recovery successfully. Pinnacle Treatment Centers offers a thorough initial assessment to see if medical detox is needed for each person who enters our facilities. If it’s revealed that detox will be required, many of Pinnacle’s locations have detox services on-site.

Consider Co-Occurring Issues

If you are living with a drug addiction, you may want to know how to get help. It’s vital to dig deep when considering places to get help and consider any underlying or co-occurring issues you or your loved one may have. Many people with alcohol or drug addictions also have co-occurring mental health issues. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 7.7 million American adults have co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues. Common mental health issues that are found with drug addiction are depression, anxiety, and trauma.

It’s essential to find a treatment center with experience and expertise in treating all conditions. Seeking treatment for both at the same place and same time has been found to increase the odds of sustainable, long-term recovery.

Pinnacle Treatment Centers understands the nuances and needs of those who have co-occurring mental health issues with a substance abuse problem. Often, one condition can hide or obscure the other. At Pinnacle, our experienced, compassionate team works to uncover any underlying conditions. This is a key part of helping find the right path forward for you or your loved one.

If you or a loved one need help with drug addiction, Pinnacle is here for you, offering hope, help, and the right path for you to find optimal, sustainable health and well-being. Contact Pinnacle today for getting help with drug addiction or an alcohol issue. A new, vibrant life is just a phone call away.

Headquartered in New Jersey, Pinnacle Treatment Centers is a recognized leader in comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment serving more than 29,000 patients daily in California, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. With more than 110 community-based locations, Pinnacle provides a full continuum of quality care for adult men and women which includes medically-monitored detoxification/withdrawal management, inpatient/residential treatment, partial hospitalization/care, sober living, intensive and general outpatient programming, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.

Facility Spotlight:

Recovery Works Portage
6847 N Chestnut St
Ravenna, OH 44266
*located on the 3rd floor of University Hospitals Portage Medical Center

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