I spent a month at the Cambridge City Recovery Works. After reading several reviews I began to wonder if some of these comments were about another facility. My time there was such a positive experience. Upon closer inspection it seems that dissatisfaction comes from some who were not clear on the purpose of a rehab, several were reviews from client friends and family who didn't have firsthand experience. I have been to several rehabs in several states over 4 decades and when I take responsibility for my behavior and attitude and stop blaming others, expecting them to fix me, I find that just as with all my relationships, what I get out/receive is a reflection of what I give/ put in. To be clear, Pinnacle's Recovery Works in Cambridge City IN is a gem! From the first 24-48hrs I planned and nearly succeeded In my attempts at escape. Thank God I was unsuccessful. The comfort meds promised were received. Less than 3 days in I was actually glad to be there and with the onset of clear thinking came an awareness of the attention I and others were receiving on several fronts. Caring couselors, well trained nurses, and Drs. That understand adiction,, recovery and addicts. Teams that engender caring communities of the very clients themselves. This kind of morale does not just magically develop in a vacuume, it is recognized as it occurs, supported in recreational activities, encouraged and developed in daily group sessions, at in house meetings and during graduations. From Director and drs and from cooks to counselors, staff genuinely care. And the food is exceptional in both quality and quantity. Seriously!
Bill k