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Treating Addiction

A Life Free from Addiction Is Possible
Addiction is a chronic condition that can affect your body, mind, and emotions. Left untreated, it can impact your life, your family, and future generations. The good news is that treatment works. Break the cycle and take back your life today.
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Substance Use Disorders

Understanding Addiction's Many Forms

Addiction can appear as abuse, dependency, self-medication, functioning substance abuse, or a number of other forms. If you’ve never faced addiction, here’s what you should know: most people stuck in addiction wish they weren’t there. If quitting alone were possible, they’d do it. Typically, they’re in survival mode, going from one fix to the next, just trying to make it through each day.

It's Time To Shift Your Perspective

In the past, we used judgmental and unkind names for those fighting addiction: drunks, junkies, druggies, potheads, and burnouts. These labels are harsh and lack empathy, and they don’t reflect how people with alcohol or substance use disorders see themselves, or who they really are.

Most people struggling with addiction believe things like:

“I’m not one of them. Those names don’t apply to me – only other people.”

“I drink every day, but I’m fine. Just fine.”

“I have the pills under control – two at night after dinner to relax, and that’s it. I promise.”

“I only get drunk on weekends.”

“I just smoke weed to take the edge off.”

“I’m not as bad as that other person.”

If you’ve heard these from a loved one – or said them yourself – it might be time to consider that there’s an alcohol or substance use disorder at play. Getting help now can stop the situation from escalating into a crisis – or worse.