I was a pain pill addict for 8 years. I started off taking vicodin (hydrocodone) as prescribed, but I really liked the euphoric affects it gave me. One a day became 2, then 2 became 4, and by the time it was all said and done, I was taking 15 hydrocodone 5/500 daily. If I had 7/750, then it was 8 a day; Darvocet 6.5/650 was 8 a day (until it was taken off the market); Oxycodone (Oxycontin) 4-6 a day. I was married at the time and my wife just had hernia surgery. I took her prescription and filled it "for her" (Oxycodone, but I don't recall the mgs. per tablet, but she had a qty. of 30). She was ok for a few days so she didn't take anything but Tylenol. After about 10 days she was hurting and decided to take one. I had taken ALL 30 of HER pills because of my addiction (NO REAL HUSBAND WOULD HAVE DONE THAT BECAUSE HE WOULD HAVE PUT HIS WIFE'S NEEDS ABOVE HIS OWN). I finally had enough and searched the Internet "Stop using pain pills now". There was an article about a clinic called Aegis Medical Services that could help with opiate addiction. I called and spoke with the clinic's manager for about an hour and was 85% sure I should go. That Monday I went, got a decent check-up while there, and I've been there on and off for 4 years. People bad-mouth these types of clinics, but I'm thankful for them because now I'm not asking my 16 year-old son (who is now 21) to find me some pain pills. I was fiending (pronounced feening) and knocking on doors whenever I was out. Asking strangers on the streets if they knew where I could get vicodin. I couldn't work because I couldn't pass a drug test. I actually got denied a $20 an hour job changing filters on an oil rig in the Santa Monica area because I was taking vicodin that I didn't have a prescription for. Going to Aegis, I can hold down a steady job and I don't have to ask my son, strangers, or anyone else if they know where I can get vicodin just so I can function. When I feel the time is right, I will GRADUALLY begin a tapering process to get off of it completely and have my life back 100%. I'm only at 28 mgs. and it helps me just fine. Best wishes to anyone who wants off opiates. By the way, DO NOT do the 21 day detox program for $21. It has a 0% success rate. Perhaps try the maintenance management. You will have a much better chance of recovery.